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Verified, interconnected open-source intelligence across land, sea and air platforms, weapons and systems, supports entity recognition, capability and threat assessments, and market analysis.

Fighting Ships 2020-2021
Janes Fighting Ships 2020-2021 yearbook
ISBN: 978-0-7106-3350-7
Turn to Janes Fighting Ships for the world's most comprehensive and reliable open-source naval reference available. It provides detailed overviews, specifications, photographs and silhouettes of naval platforms and military ships in development, in production and in service worldwide. Customers may purchase the print yearbook from our online store or subscribe to the online version that offers interactive research capabilities and the most up-to-date content.
Military, security and commercial firms use Janes Fighting Ships to:
- Evaluate competitors, partners and acquisitions
- Conduct industry market research
- Model maritime threat scenarios
- Discover new defense market opportunities
What's included:
- +4,700 records across 165 navies, 57 coast guards and 6 border guards
- Dimension, displacement, speed and range
- Development, construction and modernization programs
- Weapons systems and sensors
- Country inventories and overviews
- Naval aircraft
- Photographs, diagrams and silhouettes
- Suppliers and manufacturers
- Flags, ensigns, ranks, insignia, senior appointments and personnel numbers