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C4ISR & Mission Systems: Joint & Common Equipment 2022-2023
Janes C4ISR & Mission Systems: Joint & Common Equipment 2022-2023 yearbook
ISBN: 978-0-7106-3413-9
Assess networked warfare capabilities
This detailed reference resource covers programme information on joint, tri-service and common C4ISR and mission systems in development, in production and in service around the world. Provides technical data on networked and tri-service capabilities for military and security analysts.
Janes C4ISR & Mission Systems: Joint & Common Equipment from Janes Group helps you:
- Model joint and networked threat scenarios
- Forecast tri-service system capability requirements
- Evaluate competitors, partners and acquisition targets
- Conduct technology benchmarking
- Identify new business opportunities
What's included - Equipment profiles on more than 1,600 joint, tri-service and common C4I, electro-optic, communications, radar and electronic warfare systems, including:
- Technical and specification details and descriptions
- Functionality and operational parameters
- Development and program information
- Photographs and diagrams