• Weapons: Strategic 2024-2025

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    Verified, interconnected open-source intelligence across land, sea and air platforms, weapons and systems, supports entity recognition, capability and threat assessments, and market analysis.

Weapons: Strategic 2024-2025

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  • Weapons: Strategic 24/25 Yearbook
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Janes Weapons: Strategic 2024-2025 yearbook

ISBN: 978-0-7106-3443-6

Sharpen your strategic defence solutions

This resource provides comprehensive, credible and up-to-date information on strategic weapons systems – in development, in production, and in service worldwide. Detailed technical and programme data aids military and security organisations with analysis, strategic planning and procurement, and A&D firms benefit from market intelligence.

Janes Weapons: Strategic helps you:

  •  Direct product development
  •  Evaluate competitors, partners and acquisition targets
  •  Conduct defence market research
  •  Undertake cost-effective procurement
  •  Benchmark strategic weapons systems technology

What's included:

  • 70 percent of the records have been updated 
  • 40 records were updated with new weapon system data points
  • 16 records received new imagery
  • New systems like North Korea’s Hwaseong-18 ICBM are included